Wednesday, September 18, 2013


You'd be surprised what's in commercial apple sauce.  Apples are naturally sweet.  Why add additional sweeteners?  The recipe I have is so easy, you'll be amazed.  If it's not sweet enough for you, feel free to add a bit of brown sugar- but try to steer clear of white sugar which is more processed.

4-6 apples (I use Granny Smith for a more tart flavor, Braeburns for a more sweet taste)
2 Tbsp cinnamon
1 cup water or natural apple juice (I use water)

Simmer apples, cinnamon and water on your stove top.  Don't be alarmed that your apples aren't covered- the apples release juices as they cook.  When the water is fully heated- just shy of boiling- turn the heat down to low.  Stir occasionally until apples are soft.  Transfer the mixture to your food processor and puree to desired consistency.  You can add more water or applesauce if needed.  Taste and add sugar if needed.  Can or place in fridge.  Use within 7-10 days unless canned or frozen. :)


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